
This timeline includes quotes from articles, studies, and other papers (including WHO and WRAIR statements) that I have found. It also includes my own notes and questions. At this time it is long and does not have links (find them in the respective Information section). I will be constantly updating as I discover more. I encourage you to search the doc by symptom, year, author, etc.

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“A great deal of clinical experience indicates, hower, that these reports seriously underestimate the prevalence of side effects in travellers: only rarely does a week pass in which I am not informed (at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases) by at least one traveller of his or her personal experience of side effects of mefloquine (many of them severe) or of similar symptoms in a colleague or fellow traveller. Many travellers refuse to take mefloquine in the light of their experience of its neuropsychiatric side effects.” 

-Malaria prophylaxis. Mefloquine toxicity should limit its use to treatment alone – G C Cook